Cycling Skills Course
Our next Cycling Skills session will take place on Sunday May 29 from 7.30am to 10.00am
You can register HERE
If you are relatively new to cycling or unaccustomed to cycling in groups, it is highly recommended that you attend this session.
This 2.5 hour course is designed to have you cycling confidently and competently and you will learn these essential skills & more
How to Set your Bike up
Efficient Cycling Technique (including gear selection & pedalling technique
Bike handling and signalling
Hill climbing
Group Cycling Skills
Cost: $75 (PTC Members) / $95 Non Members
The courses take place in and around City Beach, providing a safe environment for you to learn & practice your new cycling skills
For further information, please contact Rob via EMAIL or phone 0419 107 932.
To Register for the course, CLICK HERE